Monday 9 June 2014


YO......I Had lots of different fruits in the pantry so i decided to go all "tryxects" .I am capable of making anything from anything,in the name of not wasting food..I have made a plum smoothie before,ask my hubs...

so il call my banana- smoothie..

characters include.
2 Bananas
half an orange
half a glass of milk

*DICE/Slice the characters mango,banana and put them into the blender.
*Squeeze in the orange/lemon juice,i didnt have lemons so i used an orange..main point is the9the citrus flavour)
*pulse away budyy.
*Add the milk...then pulse away...
*Tadaa your smoothie is set.

*VERDICT----Super sweet n healthy

hubs n I lovvved the smoothie.

you can sort this up here like a ten year old:)D